Profession as journalists sometimes very danger. In fact, in times of conflict or war coverage media crew was not uncommon to get a ban for taking pictures.
Of course this is very difficult, and even when taking pictures or video of the location must be hidding. But now, a new technology can change everything becomes easy.
One vendor named Vergence Labs named Epiphany Eyewear sunglasses certainly attend. The creators claim that before Google Glass is present, it had created the smart glasses .
According to the creator, Erick Miller, this camera is not much different from the Google Glass, but has a more trendy design and it does not look like a Star Trek glasses.
It was evidenced when a journalist taking pictures or video of the location of the conflict which is often not easy . In fact , according to Miller's much to do with stealth.
" But a new technology , can facilitate the task . The result is no less powerful and even more sharply , " Miller said.
When using Epiphany Eyewear sunglasses, continued Miller, will embellish its face because it was designed with the progressive combining form and function. Eyewear Epiphany design does look more like a general fashion sunglasses on the market today.
The advantages by using these glasses are the first, swivel range of 160 degrees, similar to the usual range of the human eye, second, both recorded video can be downloaded using a USB. Third, through the glasses the user can directly deploy action which user sees to social media such as Facebook or Twitter .
" This looks like regular sunglasses, but can take high-definition pictures, with a memory capacity of 32 GB to 8 hours, "
Another advantage, these glasses can be connected to other devices such as smartphones or tablets, to upload videos or photos to a website, video recording, storing or streaming video.
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