Thursday, 28 February 2013

New Competitors Angry Bird Game Present at Smartphone

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CALIFORNIA - For you fans of Toy Story , be prepared welcomed the launch of a new game . Disney Mobile announced it will launch a 3D physics -based game " Toy Story : Smash It! "

Reported by mashable , Thursday ( 02/28/2012 ) , the only game featuring the characters ' Buzz Lightyear ' resembles a game ' Angry Bird ' . In this game the player will be asked to knock down the ' aliens ' ( the enemy ) and stop ' Zurg ' evil .

This game consists of 60 levels with the position of ' aliens ' in a variety of different backgrounds . There is a unique set in the back blocks , toys , and trains .

To be able to beat them , ' Buzz ' is equipped with several types of balls , ranging from run-of - the-mill ball that bounced up balloon that can be inflated after the throw to destroy its foundations .

After completing each level , the player is given a rating of between one to three , based on how efficiently they are able to finish it .

" Toy Story : Smash It! " Will be available for iOS and Android , which is scheduled to present on Thursday, March 7, 2013 next week .

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Scientists Create "Star" Made from Giant Laser

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CALIFORNIA - Scientists develop large laser technology to be fired into space . Thus , the laser will interact with a layer of sodium atoms capable of forming a bright light exactly stellar.

Reported Newscientist , Wednesday ( 27/02/2013 ) , this new laser tested at the Very Large Telescope observatory in Chile . This laser light is fired to a height of 90 kilometers into the atmosphere .

This laser will interact with a layer of sodium atoms which have a thickness of 10 kilometers . This laser will make sodium fluoresce or glow , thus producing a point -like star bright artificial light .

Astronomers use this laser as a reference for monitoring the atmospheric turbulence through a telescope sight . With the advent of the artificial star , the scientists could see sharper images of objects that exist in space .

The researchers said the new laser is more flexible and reliable than previous lasers . " When we started to develop this laser , everyone said our goal is almost impossible , " said Domenico Bonaccini Calia of the European Southern Observatory ( ESO ) .

Calia said , this new laser is a breakthrough . Furthermore , he also hopes to share this with laser technology astronomers wider community again .

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Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Photo NASA Robot "narcissistic" on Mars

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CALIFORNIA - The robot belongs to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA ) to perpetuate the image itself against the backdrop of the Martian landscape . Previously , a robot with a mission worth $ 2 , 6 billion has also been " narcissistic " on Mars in November 2012 .

However , the action of " style " in the red planet is not a show of the beauty of this latest form of robotic explorers . However , it demonstrates the ability of the Mars Hand Lens Imager ( MAHLI ) is still excellent , though Curiosity has been on a mission of exploration for more than six months on Mars .

Reported Dvice , Tuesday ( 02/26/2013 ) , the creation of NASA's Curiosity Mars continues its work by sending a picture of the red planet every month . The latest update , featuring a panoramic image of Mars Curiosity with a new one .

Images are captured wheel robot arm shows the Martian surface environment sandy and rocky . In action " narcissistic " it is , Curiosity is in an area called Yellowknife Bay in Gale Crater , Mars .

This image displays up to 130 images merged into one . NASA also provides the public an interactive version of the photo in this link . Thus, the visitors can see the Martian landscape with 360 degree views .
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Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Nvidia Launches Tegra 4i Integrated LTE

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CALIFORNIA - While the world focused on the launch of the HTC smart phone that has been integrated with the Long Term Evolution ( LTE ) , an American company , NVIDIA , not to be outdone by launching a new processor called Tegra 4i .

Nvidia claims the new processor is the most efficient , highest performing CPU cores in the market , and will provide tremendous computing power . Tegra 4i is also equipped with world class phone capabilities , as well as combined with long battery life . 2.3GHz Tegra processor 4i latest CPU , designed jointly by Nvidia and ARM , the processor core possess the latest features and most energy efficient , R4 Cortex - A9 CPU , core plus a fifth battery storage , as well as Nvidia i500 LTE modem .

" ARM and NVIDIA are working together to further optimize Cortex- A9 processor to boost performance and efficiency in many fields such as streaming and response , " said Tom Cronk , Executive Vice President and General Manager , Processor Division at ARM .

Nvidia claims that smartphone users can see the Tegra processor running 4i role in a smart phone is expected in November to December 2013 . Companies from the United States who had not yet confirmed the launch partners , however , revealed that the company will soon launch inform if the time is near .

" This is an example of collaboration and innovation that enables ARM technology-based solutions to become market drivers through various generations of SoC solutions , " said Cronk .

Quoted from , Knowyourmobile , Wednesday ( 20/02/2013 ) , will be interesting to see how Nvidia Tegra 4i compared with Qualcomm Snapgdragon 600 which was recently launched . Used by HTC , the initial benchmarks show that the Snapdragon 600 has a fairly high quadrant at 12,000 + .
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Harga PlayStation 4 Lebih Murah dari PlayStation 3

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JAKARTA - Sony baru saja mengumumkan konsol generasi terbaru mereka, PlayStation 4 (PS 4). Analis Michael Pachter berspekulasi, konsol baru ini akan dibanderol dengan harga yang lebih murah daripada PlayStation 3 (PS 3).

Pachter menaksir, suksesor PS 3 akan dibanderol dengan harga USD399 atau USD449. Lebih lanjut ia menjelaskan, PS 3 memulai debutnya dengan harga USD599 pada 2006 lalu. Demikian dilansir dariSoftpedia, Minggu (24/2/2013).

"Kami tetap yakin bahwa PS4 akan dijual dengan harga yang lebih murah dari PS3," kata analis itu.

Pachter mencatat, game tarbaru untuk PS4 tak terdapat perubahan yang cukup signifikan dalam hal kualitas. Sehingga, pengembang dan penerbit dalam hal ini tidak perlu menanamkan modal terlalu tinggi dalam menetapkan anggaran pengembangan permainan.

"Meskipun PS4 memungkinkan dapat menjalankan game pada frame rate yang lebih tinggi dari pendahulunya, kami percaya penerbit enggan meningkatkan anggaran pengembangan game untuk memaksimalkan frame rate permainan. Perbaikan pun tidak terlalu diketahui oleh para gamer," papar Pachter.

Apabila tak ada aral melintang, suksesor PS3 ini akan mengisi etalase toko pada musim liburan atau diperkirakan pada November 2013.

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Keunggulan Printer Laser Ketimbang Printer Inkjet

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Mekanisme kerja printer laser (Foto: Printercartridgesonline)

JAKARTA - Perangkat printer di Indonesia, berdasarkan riset yang diungkap Fuji Xerox Indonesia, sebagian besar pengguna masih menggunakan model printer inkjet. Seperti yang diungkap Teddy Susanto, Country Sales Manager Fuji Xerox Indonesia, alasan orang pakai printer inkjet ialah, printer inkjet lebih murah ketimbang printer laser. 

Padahal, menurutnya printer laser menjanjikan kualitas dan kecepatan lebih cepat ketika mencetak dokumen, baik teks maupun gambar. Ia menjelaskan, misalnya printer laser seharga Rp850 ribu mampu mencetak 1.000 halaman. Sedangkan, printer inkjet yang berada di kisaran Rp300 ribu hanya mampu mencetak 100 halaman.

"Ini terkait edukasi, mindset, pola pikir. Beli injket Rp300 ribu dibandingkan laser Rp850 ribu. Orang Indonesia senang paket yang kecil-kecil, beli ketengan," tutur Teddy di Jakarta, (26/2/2013).

Ia mengatakan, dengan selisih harga hanya sekira 2,5 kali lipat lebih tinggi tersebut, printer laser sebenarnya jauh lebih irit ketimbang printer inkjet. Ia menjelaskan populasi pengguna printer inkjet dan laser di seluruh dunia.

"Secara worldwide (seluruh dunia), pengguna printer laser 40 persen, sementar printer inkjet 60 persen. Kalau segmen konsumen, di Asia printer laser 30 persen, 70 persen printer inkjet. Di indonesia, 90 persen printer inkjet dan sisanya pakai printer laser," jelasnya.

Ia berharap 3 atau 5 tahun ke depan di Indonesia, printer laser akan memiliki perbandingan jumlah pengguna yang serupa dengan printer inkjet. Lebih lanjut Teddy menjelaskan, menurut Data IDC 2012 Q3, Fuji Xerox memimpin di atas pertumbuhan pasar, yakni 24,6 persen.

Ia mengatakan, tren pasar printer laser naik 2,7 lebih besar. "Sebagian besar konsumen, 90 persen pakai printer inkjet. Kalau di SME (Small Medium Business) dan government (pemerintah) pakai laser," imbuhnya.

Fuji xerox tidak menyarankan re-fill pada printer inkjet. Sebab menurutnya, ini bisa terjadi kerusakan dan menghilangkan garansi. "Re-fill inkjet enggak pakai kualitas kontrol yang tepat," pungkasnya.

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Aprilia 250 made ​​against the Ninja and CBR

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ROME - As a manufacturer that debuted in motor racing , Aprilia does not have a variant of the production version of the 250cc sport bike . In fact , mastering Aprilia 250cc racing class , with kings spawned such rider , Valentino Rossi , Max Biaggi , Jorge Lorenzo , Loris Capirossi and Marco Melandri .

Armed with this experience , the Italian sports motorcycle manufacturer will design a 250cc motorcycle . Later , this variant will be placed parallel to the Kawasaki Ninja 250 or Honda CBR250R .

Aprilia actually had a four-stroke sport model with a smaller engine capacity , the Aprilia RS4 125 . Carrying the design styles such as the Aprilia RSV4 . Later , the new 250cc model will also follow the design of the RSV4 .

Other news mentions , the parent company of Aprilia , Piaggio , which will produce immediate 250cc sports model . Comes with a direct injection system , a single -cylinder with an output power up to 25 hp to 30 hp .

As with any model of the RS4 , New 250cc will also use the 17 -inch size wheels , front suspension up - side down , six-speed transmission , and four- piston brake calipers . Aprilia 250 will also get a quickshifter features adopted from Superbike motorcycles .

For comparison , the Ninja 250 and the CBR250R adopt telescopic front suspension fork with two piston brake caliper ( three- piston ABS models ) .
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Sunday, 24 February 2013

History of Skateboard


Skateboarding was born in the middle of First Instance between 1940-1950 's when surfers from California want to find something to drive when the sea water is not waving. Birst board made ​​by the board that given tire roller skates .

later 1970s, skateboard frank nasworthty made ​​with polyurethane tires or used to be called the cadillac . He hopes that an obese person can buy and wear skate boards . With the launch of the new tires in the 1970s . Make the rapidly growing popularity of skateboarding again . Many companies started to manufacture trucks ( wheel axle ) with a special design for the skater. Manufacturers began experimenting with exotic ingredients mengabung with metal , such as fiberglass and aluminium.para Skateboarders benefit from improved their board and they started inventing new tricks. Some skater , especially Ty Page , Bruce Logan , Bobby Piercy , Kevin Reed , and the Z - Boys ( so named because of their local store called Zephy shop ) they start sliding vertical walled pools that were left empty in the 1976 California drought. The origin of the vert trend in the world of skateboarding .

This period is triggered by a skateboard company run by skateboarders . The focus initially is on track to hit vert skateboarding . The discovery of a no - hands aerial ( later known as the ollie ) by Alan Gelfand in Florida in 1976 . discovery and development grabbed aerial by George Orton and Tony Alva in this California.trick make the skater can do perform in the vertical ramp .

Because most people can not build vert ramps or did not have access to the ramp , play distreet / street became popular . Freestyle street such as Rodney Mullen inventing many basic trick , of which modern basic tricks like kickflip and impossible 

Effect of freestyle street skating is still a trend during the mid- 80s , but street skating was still performed on wide vert boards with short nose . sakteboard in the 1980s developed rapidly , but is hampered by additional street skating .

the 1990s to the present is generated now dominated by street skating skateboarding . with wide plank 7 ¼ to 8 inches long and 30 to 32 inci.Ukuran relatively small wheels so the board looks brighter , and so the wheels spin faster , thus making tricks more easily obtained . Contemporary forms derived from the freestyle boards skateboard 1980s with the shape and relatively narrow width is very symmetrical . This form has become a standard mid- 90s .

Go Skateboarding Day was created in 2004 by a group of skateboarding companies to promote skateboarding and help in order to be recognized by the world of skateboarding. celebrated every year on June 21.
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History The Discovery of Cars

In this era of advanced and modern cars of various types has been created by man . Of the gasoline , which fueled electricity to even heat from sunlight . Want to know ga , who's actually the first time had the idea to create a car ? Well , let us refer to the explanation below .
The first car was invented by Nicolas - Joseph Cugnot who came from France in 1769 . Cugnot inspired when she saw the shape of a horse carriage fitted with tires . Cugnot then try to make a moving vehicle with a steam engine . In 1801 , Cugnot 's invention passed by the British citizen named Richard Trevithick .

Steam engine vehicles have evolved more rapidly when developed by the Lunar Society , in Brimingham , England . Carl Benz of Mannheim is the first automaker to use gasoline in 1886 . Then at the same time Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach from Sttugart also makes cars with gasoline . However , Benz 's first complete discovery and patented the invention in 1879 .

Motorwagen , the first car with gasoline
On 5 November 1895 , the U.S. granted the patent to George B. Selden for a two - stroke automobile engine . This spectacular breakthrough was also made ​​by Berta Benz in 1888 . For several decades , the steam engine , electricity , and gasoline competing . In 1902 Oldsmobil producing affordable cars on a large scale , and then large-scale developed by Henry Ford in the 1910s .

The development of automotive technology was rapid in the period 1900 to to mid 1920s. This is caused by a number of small car makers compete to grab the attention of the world . In the 1930s drastically reduced the number of car manufacturers . It was only in the 1960s when the price of electronic goods cheap enough for mass production , cars and a wide range of innovations flourish again .