Friday, 11 April 2014

New DLC Call of Duty: Ghosts Present at PC

Package of downloadable content ( DLC ) called Devastation on the latest game Call of Duty : Ghosts present for the PlayStation game console and the PC. This DLC will be available on May 8, 2014.

Activision, the game publisher officially reveal the presence of Devastation which will debut on PC and PlayStation game consoles ( PS3 and PS4 ).

Package content presents a new map was first released for the Xbox platform on 3 April 2014. Launch first on Xbox indicate an exclusive agreement with Microsoft.

Devastation adds four new multiplayer maps to the game genre first person shooter ( FPS ). In addition, this DLC also adds a new chapter to Extinction survival mode.

Gamers will also get a new weapon called The Ripper. This map pack also featuring guest by Hollywood monsters, namely aline from Predator.

Gamers can download this DLC with a tag of $ 14,99 on May 8, 2014. Users can also get the new content package with purchase Season Pass for USD49,99.
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The Last of Us Game Arrived into PlayStation 4

Exclusive game from Sony 's PlayStation 3 console, The Last of Us will be present for the gamer of PlayStation 4. Game which developed by Naughty Dog will be present in PS4 in the summer or Q2/Q3 .

Naughty Dog announced on Thursday that this action adventure game will be present in a new generation of game consoles made ​​by Sony. At the PS4 version, The Last of Us will Remastered 1080p display resolution.

In addition, the developer has improved the resolution of the character models, the increase in shadow and light effects. This survival horror game will come with a better texture.

Gamers can also sample the extra content such as expansion of downloadable content ( DLC ) Left Behind, Abandoned Territories multiplayer map packs and the Reclaimed Territories. It is not known the details of each DLC.

In addition to information regarding the resolution capability and content is added, this Remastered edition will also present the director commentary for every cutscene in the game . Gamers seem to be able to get closer to the developer studio crew and voice cast.

Gamers can already pre-order The Last of Us Remastered at certain retail locations or via the PlayStation Store.
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The Latest Information About iPhone 6

Information about iPhone 6 which rumored will be Apple's latest smartphone, more enliven the virtual world. KGI Securities analyst, Ming-Chi Kuo became one analyst who often predict the new iPhone.

Regarding the iPhone 6, Kuo said, this smartphone will be available in two versions namely the 4.7-inch screen with a resolution of 1334 x 750 pixels, while the 5.5-inch version has a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels. As reported by Phone Arena, Friday (04/11/2014).

Furthermore, the key sleep/wake will be placed on the side of the iPhone 6, so it will be more easily accessible by users while holding the device with one hand. Other information includes bezel is 10-20 percent smaller and has a thickness of between 6.5 to 7.9 mm.

Kuo believes that the iPhone sales of 5.5 can take the iPad mini market. In addition, both the iPhone will not published together, because 4.7-inch version will be launched first.
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Thursday, 10 April 2014

Things You Need to Know from Milan "the City of Fashion"

Milan is a tourist favorite city in Italy besides Rome. This city is known as a center of fashion, but in fact Milan have a lot of other interesting things .

Milan no less than Rome

Rome as the Italian capital was the center of state power. However, it did not make Milan less interesting than Rome. Milan is one of the largest economic centers in Italy and of course also a fashion center. This is what makes Milan as Italian charms are competing with Rome.

Restaurant closes quickly

The restaurants in Milan did not open until the evening, and sometimes closed at midday. Usually this restaurant will be closed after 13:30 or evening at 20:30 local time.

Milan people do not like espresso

Most Italians prefer espresso coffee, black coffee with a strong natural flavor. In contrast to Milan, in the city most people prefer their coffee is lighter than espresso.

Culinary experimental in Milan

In accordance with its citizens an interesting personality, culinary in Milan is also not unusual. Milan people like to mix into a variety of food, produce unique cuisine but still delicious and different from other Italian dishes.

Milan is fashionable

Milan is one of the famous fashion centers in the world, and every year there is held the event Milan Fashion Week. So, do not be surprised if in the streets you will feel like in a fashion show with Milan people dressed in fashionable.
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iPhone 6 Manufactured in July, released in September

Information about the iPhone 6 endless stream. According to recent reports, the iPhone 6 is preparing to enter the phase of mass production in July.

BGR, Thursday (10/04/2014), reported that the Industrial and Commercial Times claims Taiwan-based manufacturing partner of Apple will start mass production of the iPhone 6 in the early second half of this year. While the timing of its release September 2014.

Beyond the iPhone 6, Apple reportedly also preparing phablet. In the same report mentioned that the larger version of the iPhone is not going to be mass produced before the end of the quarter III/2014,

If the reports are accurate, then phablet iPhone will not debut in conjunction with the iPhone 6. Instead expected in late 2014 or early 2015.

iPhone 6 is estimated to have a 4.7 inch screen with a better processor. While carrying phablet version 5.5 inch screen.
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Peraturan Olah Raga Futsal

Futsal, olah raga futsal belakangan ini menjadi olah raga yang cukup populer sebagai pengganti olah raga sepak bola. Di saat semakin sempitnya lapangan yang bisa digunakan utuk bermain sepak bola. Orang-orang mulai beralih ke olah raga futsal. Tapi banyak yang belum mengetahui peraturan olah raga futsal. Berikut adalah beberapa peraturan olah raga futsal.

Waktu Pertandingan
Futsal dimainkan dalam dua babak. Setiap babak berdurasi 20 menit. Tidak termasuk saat bola mati atau pertandingan dihentikan karena insiden tertentu. Waktu yang habis dapat diperpanjang jika terjadi tendangan penalti atau tendangan bebas. Di antara kedua babak, terdapat waktu istirahat maksimal 15 menit.

Setiap tim berhak mendapatkan satu kali time-out setiap babak. Lamanya time-out satu menit. Time-out diajukan oleh pelatih kepada wasit jika timnya sedang menguasai bola. Jika pada paruh babak pertama tidak mengambil jatah time-out, tim tidak berhak mendapatkan dua time-out di babak kedua.

Penentuan pemenang
Gol terjadi jika secara keseluruhan, bola melewati garis gawang. Gol dianggap sah jika bola tidak dilempar, dibawa dengan tangan atau menyentuh tangan seorang pemain dari tim yang sedang menyerang. Dalam hal ini, kiper termasuk yang dilarang.

Aturan khusus
FIFA memberikan sejumlah kelonggaran untuk tiap-tiap kompetisi, apakah akan melakukan perpanjangan waktu atau prosedur lainnya untuk menentukan pemenang pertandingan.

Di pertandingan futsal, ada beberapa hal yang tidak boleh dilakukan oleh seorang pemain selama pertandingan. Ini menyangkut teknik dan nonteknik. Sebagai hukuman, kepada tim lawan akan diberikan tendangan bebas. Wasit memiliki kekuasaan mutlak untuk menentukan apakah yang dilakukan pemain termasuk jenis pelanggaran atau bukan.

Secara garis besar, ada dua jenis pelanggaran yakni pelanggaran berat dan ringan.
Pelanggaran berat:

* Menendang atau mencoba menendang lawan.
* Mengganjal atau mencoba mengganjal lawan.
* Melompat kepada lawan.
* Menyerang lawan, meski hanya menggunakan bahu.
* Memukul atau mencoba memukul lawan.
* Mendorong lawan.
* Memegangi lawan.
* Meludahi lawan.
* Memegang bola secara sengaja.

Pelanggaran ringan. Seorang kiper memegang bola dari rekan setimnya tanpa terlebih dulu disentuh lawan. Seorang kiper menguasai bola lebih dari empat detik, kecuali jika dia melakukan itu di daerah lawan.

Kartu kuning. Secara individu, seorang pemain yang melakukan pelanggaran akan diberi peringatan. Salah satunya berbentuk pemberian kartu kuning. Itu diberikan jika:
Pemain bersalah melakukan hal tidak sportif.

* Mengeluarkan kata-kata yang tidak pantas.
* Tetap melakukan pelanggaran meski telah diberi peringatan.
* Mengulur-ngulur waktu dimulainya kembali pertandingan.
* Melanggar jarak saat tendangan hukuman berlangsung.
* Melanggar prosedur pergantian pemain.
* Sengaja meninggalkan lapangan tanpa seizin wasit.

Kartu merah. Seorang pemain yang diberikan kartu merah, diharuskan untuk meninggalkan lapangan pertandingan dan tidak diperbolehkan bermain lagi.
Kartu merah diberikan jika:

* Bersalah, bermain sangat kasar.
* Bersalah, berkelakuan kasar.
* Meludahi lawan atau orang lain.
* Menghalangi gol yang dibuat tim lawan dengan menggunakan tangan.
* Secara jelas menggagalkan secara ilegal kesempatan lawan untuk mencetak gol.
* Menggunakan kata-kata yang bersifat menghina.
* Menerima kartu kuning kedua.

Ketentuan khusus
Ada satu peraturan khusus yang sangat berbeda dengan sepak bola perihal kartu merah. Di futsal, tim yang pemainnya terkena kartu merah berhak memasukkan pemain pengganti dua menit setelah kartu merah diberikan, kecuali sebelum dua menit itu terjadi sebuah gol. Jika gol terjadi, maka wasit berpatokan pada ketentuan sebagai berikut:

* Jika posisi lima melawan empat pemain, dan tim dengan pemain lebih banyak mencetak gol sebelum dua menit, maka tim dengan jumlah pemain lebih sedikit berhak memasukkan pemain.
* Jika posisi empat lawan empat dan tercipta gol, pertandingan akan tetap dilanjutkan dengan jumlah itu.
* Jika posisi lima lawan tiga atau empat lawan tiga, dan tim dengan pemain lebih banyak mencetak gol sebelum dua menit, tim dengan tiga pemain hanya berhak memasukkan satu pemain tambahan.
* Jika posisi tiga lawan tiga dan tercipta gol, pertandingan akan tetap dilanjutkan dengan jumlah itu.
* Jika tim yang lebih sedikit mencetak gol sebelum dua menit, pertandingan dilakukan tanpa menambah jumlah pemain.

Tendangan Hukuman
Tendangan bebas tidak langsung. Tendangan ini diberikan kepada tim lawan, jika seorang pemain melakukan pelanggaran ringan. Tendangan diambil dari titik di mana pelanggaran terjadi. Jika terjadi di kotak penalti, maka tendangan diambil dari garis penalti terdekat. Gol sah hanya jika bola sudah menyentuh pemain lain sebelum masuk gawang. Tim yang bertahan diperbolehkan membentuk dinding pertahanan dengan jarak minimal 5 meter dari bola.

Tendangan bebas langsung. Kondisi normal: Diberikan kepada tim lawan jika seorang pemain melakukan pelanggaran berat. Gol dapat langsung tercipta melalui tendangan ini. Tim yang bertahan diperbolehkan membentuk dinding pertahanan dengan jarak minimal 5 meter dari bola.

Akumulasi pelanggaran
Jika tim melakukan pelanggaran lebih dari lima kali setiap babaknya, maka tendangan bebas yang didapat tim lawan akan dikondisikan sebagai berikut:

* Tim yang bertahan tidak boleh membentuk dinding pertahanan. Mereka harus berada di belakang garis yang ditentukan wasit dan sejajar dengan garis gawang.
* Tendangan harus ditujukan langsung ke gawang, tidak boleh disodorkan ke pemain lain.
* Sebelum menyentuh penjaga gawang atau memantul dari tiang dan mistar gawang, pemain lain tidak boleh menyentuh bola.
* Tendangan tidak boleh diambil dengan jarak kurang dari 6 meter dari gawang. Jika itu terjadi di kotak penalti, maka tendangan diambil dari garis penalti terdekat.
* Jika pelanggaran keenam ini terjadi di daerah lawan atau di daerah sendiri antara titik penalti kedua dan garis tengah, maka tendangan bebas akan dilakukan dari titik penalti kedua.
* Jika pelanggaran keenam terjadi di daerah sendiri antara garis gawang dan titik penalti kedua di luar kotak penalti, maka tim yang mendapat tendangan bebas boleh memilih titik penalti kedua atau di tempat terjadinya pelanggaran.

Tendangan penalti
Diberikan kepada tim yang melakukan pelanggaran di dalam kotak penaltinya sendiri. Tendangan dilakukan dari titik penalti pertama. Gol dapat tercipta secara langsung dari tendangan ini. Selain penendang dan kiper lawan, pemain lainnya harus berada di luar kotak penalti.

Aturan khusus. Untuk tendangan penalti dan tendangan bebas langsung ketika lebih dari lima pelanggaran, berlaku ketentuan sebagai berikut:

* Ketika seorang pemain tim bertahan melakukan pelanggaran prosedur, maka tendangan akan diulang jika tidak tercipta gol dari tendangan itu. Tendangan tidak akan diulang jika tercipta gol.
* Ketika pemain sebuah tim yang melakukan tendangan membuat pelanggaran prosedur, maka tendangan akan diulang jika dari tendangan itu tercipta gol. Tendangan tidak akan diulang jika tidak tercipta gol.

Untuk tendangan bebas langsung dan tidak langsung, jika tim yang mendapat tendangan bebas melakukannya lebih dari 4 detik, maka wasit akan mengalihkan menjadi tendangan bebas tidak langsung bagi tim lawan.

Tendangan Memulai Pertandingan Kembali
Tendangan ke dalam. Pengganti lemparan ke dalam pada sepak bola. Tendangan ini diberikan jika bola melewati garis samping lapangan baik di tanah maupun udara. Gol tidak boleh langsung tercipta dari tendangan ini. Jika dilakukan lebih dari 4 detik, maka wasit akan mengalihkan menjadi tendangan bebas tidak langsung bagi tim lawan.

Tendangan gawang. Tendangan ini diberikan jika bola melewati garis gawang dengan sentuhan terakhir dilakukan oleh salah seorang pemain yang sedang menyerang. Tendangan diambil dari titik mana pun di dalam kotak penalti. Gol tidak boleh langsung tercipta dari tendangan ini. Jika dilakukan lebih dari 4 detik, maka wasit akan mengalihkan menjadi tendangan bebas tidak langsung di garis penalti bagi tim lawan.

Tendangan sudut. Tendangan ini diberikan jika bola melewati garis gawang dengan sentuhan terakhir dilakukan oleh salah seorang pemain yang sedang bertahan. Tendangan diambil di dalam busur sudut di sudut terdekat dari keluarnya bola. Gol boleh langsung tercipta dari tendangan ini, tetapi hanya ke gawang tim yang bertahan. Pemain bertahan harus berjarak minimal 5 meter dari bola. Jika tendangan dilakukan lebih dari 4 detik, maka wasit akan mengalihkan menjadi tendangan bebas tidak langsung di dalam busur sudut bagi tim lawan.

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Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Seagate Provide 6TB HDD Drive

If you are feeling less have a hard disk drive ( HDD ) one or two TB ( terabytes ), Seagate providing HDD with 6TB capacity. Storage devices are estimated to sell for $ 600 is claimed to be able to work very quickly.

Reported by Vr-zone, on Tuesday ( 04/08/2014 ), Seagate Enterprise Capacity 3.5 HDD v4 has a rotational speed of 7,200 RPM. In contrast to 6TB HDD made ​​by Western Digital ( WD ), a data storage device using magnetic recording technology with higher density.

" We do not have to use helium to obtain this capacity. Because it is 25 percent faster than the drive helium, " said Marketing Manager of Seagate, Barbara Craig.

Seagate says HDD version will be available in 12GB per second SAS and SATA 6GB per second version. Reportedly, the device can operate non-stop for the data center and up to 550 TB of data that can be transferred per year.

Seagate has not revealed specifically the availability and price of new storage product. The new device is shipped predicted priced at $ 600.
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AMD Release Professional Graphics Card FirePro W9100

AMD released the AMD FirePro professional graphics cards, W9100 workstation designed for the latest generation of 4K-resolution-based support OpenCL ( Open Computing Language). With the latest graphics technology, ie up to 2.62 TFLOPS and support the use of more than one monitor with a resolution of 4K, professional designers can work with a level of detail that is better, faster, responsive, and more creative.

Through an official statement, Tuesday ( 04/08/2014 ), thanks to the use of GDDR5 memory 16GB ( first in the world ), working multitasking workstation users can efficiently use up to six display 4K resolution, graphical data processing very large amounts with diverse visual effects directly ( real-time ). Relying on the latest architecture AMD Graphics Core Next, AMD FirePro W9100 gives the performance of a super computer in a graphics card.

" This is the time at which the resolution 4K already widely available and used. We wait for more applications which require large memory capacity in producing and 4K video processing. AMD has released a product in a timely manner in accordance with the needs, the AMD FirePro professional graphics cards W9100 is designed to address the needs of the latest generation of workstations, " said Matt Skynner said, Corporate Vice President and General Manager of AMD's Graphics.

As best professional graphics cards from AMD, the AMD FirePro W9100 claimed to bring the present highly advanced graphics performance, the best in the industry through a GPU and be the only graphics card that comes with 16GB of GDDR5 memory, the largest ever. With super visual performance, professional workers can work on technical and creative projects in extra high resolution, helping them with homework even the smallest detail. "

AMD FirePro W9100 available this spring through the distribution of SAPPHIRE Technology, provider of Ultra AMD FirePro Workstation, and HP workstations in the HP Z820 and Z620.
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Lumia 1020's Camera Can Take Microbes Images

Fotomikroskop hasil Nokia Lumia 1020.

Mobile phone Nokia Lumia 1020 has a resolution of 41 megapixels used to shoot photos of microbes in the University of California research lab.

John Graff and Mark Li-chen, Department of Pathology University of California researchers, using the Nokia Lumia phones in 1020 to photograph the microbes through a microscope, usually called photomicrography.

The two researchers said, the Nokia Lumia 1020's 41 megapixel camera resolution is helpful in facilitating research.

Researchers photographed microbes by attaching a camera lens or a microscope eyepiece close to the eye. Image stabilization ( IS ) features, the zoom very far, as well as high resolution camera phones makes it perfect detail in producing images of microbes. Even the results Nokia Lumia 1020 fotomikroskop better than usual photomicrography taken by John and Mark earlier.

This is not the first camera phone Nokia Lumia 1020 used for work in a professional manner. Previously a lifestyle magazine in the UK also use the Nokia camera to photograph the models in the magazine edition.
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Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Leaked Specifications of Galaxy Note 4

Galaxy S5 has not been introduced to the market, but Samsung's Android smartphone rumors that had started circulating more sophisticated. Smartphones of the different variants of the Galaxy Note 4.

The first rumors of a successor to the Galaxy Note 3 was leaked specifications. Reported CNMO sites from China, the Galaxy Note 4 will be equipped with the " 2K "  screen  which supports a resolution of 2560 x 1440 pixels. For comparison, the Galaxy S5 screen " only " supports a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels.

For matters of photos and videos, Note 4 states will have a resolution of 20.7 MP primary camera with video recording capabilities 4K quality.

In terms of memory, Note 4 will be equipped with super relieved RAM and internal memory, 4 GB  and 128 MB.

There is no detailed information about the processor, but it will likely be powered Note 4 latest Qualcomm, Snapdragon 801. According CNMO, this Samsung phablet could use a processor with 64-bit technology, the same processor as the iPhone 5S.

Other specs leaked, Note 4 will support 4G network and dual- band WiFi. Like the S5 Galaxy, Note 4 also will carry the anti-water and dust.

Smartphones are likely to use the Android version 4.5 is expected to be released Samsung in September this year in conjunction with the annual IFA event in Berlin, Germany.
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Sharp Aquos Xx 302Sh, Monster specification of Sharp phones, 12MP Front Camera

Sharp released the latest phones with the specifications above average flagship phones of various famous brands of the world. One is the astounding 12-megapixel front camera.

Japanese electronics device manufacturers  named the cellphone Sharp Aquos Xx 302Sh. The phone has a 5.2 inches wide screen which is very tight with the phone body. This means that this phone only has a bezel or parts not screen phones less.

If the calculated dimensions, Flagship phones from Sharp is only about the size of 132 x 70 x 9.9 millimeters, which means that the size of this phone is smaller than the Samsung Galaxy S4 with a 5-inch wide screen . The body also has a IP57 certified which means it is resistant to water splashes or dust.

But it is not only a weapon of Sharp Aquos Xx 302Sh. Specifications innards of this phone has a monster power. See, the processor uses Qualcomm's Snapdragon 800 with 2GB of RAM support, the same as most other brands flagship phone. But what makes it different is the storage capacity of 32GB which can still be expanded with a microSD card slot.

The 5.2-inch wide screen has a resolution of 1,080 x 1,920 with original Sharp-made panels. While the battery has a capacity of 2600 mAh.

Even the most promising is the specification of the camera is not owned by any other brand. Sharp mobile phone has a resolution of 16.3 megapixels rear camera with a very wide lens. Aperture or opening of f/1.9, which certainly can produce a very sharp focus and perfect bokeh effect.

The small openings can of course also incorporate light into the lens as much as possible so that the phone can take brilliant photos in low light conditions. Amazingly, the front camera to the usability selfie photos or video call has a resolution of 12 megapixels.The largest Resolution of phone's front camera in the world. 
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Monday, 7 April 2014

Test Your Brain Concentration with Brain Breaker

A game called Brain Breaker show game to test the concentration of the brain. This game inspired concentration game that asks players to move left and right hands are different, for example the left hand back and forth while the right hand pat.

In this game, players will be prompted finger to follow the instructions on the screen. For example, the left finger touches the screen up and down, then tapping the right index finger repeatedly. Meanwhile, in the middle of the screen will display the text that interfere with concentration.

Still not challenging enough? After a certain time, the instruction will be changed so that the right hand should move up and down and left to be tapped.

This game is the work of the WALi, which was formerly known game makers through the Mobile Game Developer War 5 Puzzles & Trivia category. The game is available for Windows Phone 8 platform, Nokia X, Android and iOS.
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Apple Test 65 Inches Screen TV

Apple touted preparing for a television production called iTV. The Cupertino-based company is reportedly testing the 65-inch wide-screen panel of the South Korean company.

Citing reports Korea Herald, Monday ( 07/04/2014 ), a security analyst at IBK Securities said the company's manufacturing companies are currently making samples for organic screen panel for 65-inch Apple iTV in collaboration with Apple.

However, he was not sure whether Apple will order the display panel for the mass production of iTV.

" Approximately 2 million Apple iTV with 65 and 77 inch sizes sail the crystal is expected to be marketed in the middle of this year. However, Apple employees visited the manufacturing company in October 2013 and then to postpone the work until next year, " the analyst said.

From the results of the visit Apple managed to get the price of the display panel is cheaper than ever.

Rumors of the presence of the Apple TV is not just this time sticking in the media. Several times mentioned Apple will release a TV manufacturer itself, but until now never come true.
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Milled in Washing Machines, Samsung Galaxy S5 Remain Intact

Samsung's latest mobile phone, Galaxy S5 is proof when submerged in the pool for an hour. Even the phone is also not damaged if put into the washing machine.

Based on the information, Samsung Galaxy S5 does have a certificate that is waterproof IP67. In the certificate is said Galaxy S5 capable to be soaked in water depth of one meter for 30 minutes.

The test is done by bringing the Galaxy S5 swim for an hour. Which means, this test against what is stated in the certificate.

But the result of Samsung's latest flagship phone is successfully passed the test. The device fully wet but still fine and still able to function as usual.

The second test is performed by placing Galaxy S5 phone in a pocket of jeans then milled in a washing machine. Like most cases users do not accidentally wash mobile phone in jeans pocket.

In this trial the Galaxy S5 soaked with soapy water and milled with the jeans for 50 minutes. As a result, Samsung Galaxy S5 can still function properly.
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Sunday, 6 April 2014

The Cheapest And The Most Expensive Tourist Destination

Planning a holiday abroad? Check the following list of tourist destinations. Based on TripAdvisor cost comparison report released recently.

Report TripAdvisor TripIndex second annual Room service is to compare the cost of room service in 48 popular tourist destinations around the world. The study calculates the price of a club sandwich which was booked through room service, wash the shirt, as well as the price of a bottle of water, beans, mini bottle of Vodka, and a can of cola that is in the mini bar .

The Cheapest Destinations :
1 . Tunis, Tunisia
2 . Cape Town, South Africa
3 . Budapest, Hungary
4 . Prague, Czech Republic
5 . Marrakech, Morocco
6 . Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
7 . Istanbul, Turkey
8 . Dubrobnik, Croatia
9 . Jakarta, Indonesia
10 . Hanoi, Vietnam

Most Expensive Destinations :
1 . Helsinki, Finland
2 . Oslo, Norway
3 . Seoul, South Korea
4 . Zurich, Switzerland
5 . Stockholm, Sweden
6 . Paris, France
7 . New York, United States
8 . Toronto, Canada
9 . Singapore, Singapore
10 . Copenhagen, Denmark

International TripIndex destination list consists of the main destinations with 48 of the 50 countries that received the largest number of international visitors. Data collected by UNWTO in 2013. Data Hotel is a 4 star hotel and 4.5 in the respective destinations between June 1 to August 31, 2014.

Price TripIndex Room service is based items in each destination for goods and services represent a common unexpected tourists can know for staying in a hotel. The Item club sandwich, a shirt laundry, as well as a mini bar which consists of a bottle of mineral water, nuts, mini bottle of Vodka, and a can of cola.

Price is determined average cost ( taken from the minimum price of six hotels to 10 hotels ), in the data of the ten best four-star hotel category in each destination features. Ten of the best hotels stratified by TripAdvisor Popularity Index. Hotels are selected from among the Popularity Index January 27 until February 20, 2014.

The prices of all items are sourced from the same hotel, if possible, before the average price is calculated. These prices include sales tax and the cost of the service, according the prevailing price. Price was taken in the prevailing prices between February 3, 2014 and February 20, 2014 and the currency conversion rate taken on February 17, 2014.
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Doom Beta can be Played in PS4 & PC

Game publisher, Bethesda, reveal that Beta Doom games can be played on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. To be able to access the beta, gamers can order ( pre-order ) Wolfenstein : The New Order which available for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC.

Reported Gamingunion, Sunday ( 06/04/2014 ), in order to try out the Beta version of Doom, players must have a key code found in the box the game Wolfenstein : The New Order. Gamers who pre-order the PS3 Wolfenstein, Doom could play the Beta on PS4, while Xbox 360 gamers, can play on the Xbox One.

To ensure the distribution of pre-order smooth, Bethesda worked with Sony, Microsoft and Steam. For additional information, gamers of Xbox One requires Xbox Live Gold membership to be able to play Doom Beta.

While gamers of PS4 does not need to be a member of PlayStation Plus to be able to access the beta version of the game. Wolfenstein : The New Order will be available on May 20th in North America and May 23 in Europe. Doom games final release date is not yet known.

First Doom game rolled on December 10, 1993. This old school game appear in the version of MS - ​​DOS to the genre of first person shooter ( FPS ). Games that never appear in feature films is challenging gamers to eradicate mutant monsters or creatures in the game.
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Not only the leading technology vendors preparing smartwatch. Personnel Black Eyed Peas,, apparently also has similar plans.

39-year-old singer is planning to release smartwatch in July 2014. The wearable device is fully funded by As reported by Phone Arena, Sunday (06/04/2014).

Unlike most other smartwatch that currently exist on the market, users do not need to connect it with a smartphone. Smartwatch uses Bluetooth to access the music, even also can make a call by itself.

He claims that this smartwatch can connect to Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Unfortunately does not disclose the selling price of these hours.